Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Tangled Bank: speculative fiction exploring Darwin's legacy

Have just received notice of this interesting bicentenary project:

The Tangled Bank: an e-anthology of speculative fiction, artwork, and poetry exploring the legacy of Darwin and evolution

This year marks 200 years since the birth of Charles Darwin, and 150 years since the publication of The Origin of Species. To mark the anniversaries, submissions are invited for The Tangled Bank, an e-anthology of speculative fiction, artwork, and poetry exploring the legacy of Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. Illuminate -- or obscure -- the line between the real and the fantastic. The fiction may be of any speculative genre or cross-genre; demand to be included by the quality of your submission. Artwork and poetry need not be strictly speculative in nature, but must engage with Charles Darwin or evolution.

The Tangled Bank will be edited by Chris Lynch and published by Tangled Bank Press in late 2009. For submission guidelines and more information, visit

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