Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Evolution: The musical!

“Charles H. Darwin” meets Jesus in this Rocky Horror re-mix of the creation versus evolution debate, which I just discovered on the IMDB.
Definitely comes with a parental advice warning and perhaps rather puerile in places (well, all the way through!), but I found it entertaining and amusing! Frustratingly cannot find any MP3s of the songs yet: film maker, please release them!

This song in particular is an nice addition to nerdcore parodies of biblical literalism:

In particular, it perfectly complements MC Frontalot's aka The Reverend Front Aloud's Origin of The Species:

Lyrics here with some brilliant cheeky geeky lines 
"Do you, do you really believe that we were nothing but them monkeys swinging up in the trees? Don't it seem a little likelier that Adam and Eve did a lot of humping, and that was the origin of the species?"
"This is still the curse of Copernicus that we suffer, secular thought ought not overrun its buffer..."


  1. MP3's from "Evolution: The Musical" available here:


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yay! Evolution MP3's are available!!! Woooo!!!!


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